Saturday, October 18, 2014

Find a duplicate in array

  1. Given an array of N elements in which each element is an integer between 1 and N-1, write an algorithm to find any duplicate. Your algorithm should run in linear time, use O(n) extra space, and may not modify the original array.
  2. Given an array of N elements in which each element is an integer between 1 and N-1 with one element duplicated, write an algorithm to find such duplicate. Your algorithm should run in linear time, use O(1) extra space, and may not modify the original array.
  3. Given an array of N elements in which each element is an integer between 1 and N-1, write an algorithm to find any duplicate. Your algorithm should run in linear time and use O(1) extra space, and may modify the original array. 
  4. Given an array of N elements in which each element is an integer between 1 and N-1, write an algorithm to find any duplicate. Your algorithm should run in linear time, use O(1) extra space, and may not modify the original array. 
More info:


let s ← array [1..n]
initialize s to all zeroes
for 1 <= i <= n:
  if s[A[i]] > 0: return A[i]
  set s[A[i] ← 1

let s ← 0
for 1 <= i <= n:
  s ← s + A[i]
return s - n*(n-1)/2
Above solution for question #2 is not the best since there may be overflow of integer.  We can do better by:
temp = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    temp = temp ^ A[i] ^ i;
return temp;

for 1 <= i <= n:
  while A[i] ≠ i:
    if A[A[i]] = A[i]: return A[i]
    swap(A[A[i]], A[i])

let i ← n, j ← n
do: i ← A[i], j ← A[A[j]]; until i = j
set j ← n
do: i ← A[i], j ← A[j]; until i = j
return i

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