Sunday, May 12, 2019

Google Cloud Platform part 2

Using GitLab to deploy app to Google App Engine:

1.     Create a service account from GCP’s iam-admim:

This will generate johnzeng-nodejs-70db00dcac20.json file which contains the private key of service account ‘gitlab-service-account’.

2.     Setup Gitlab CI

SJCMACJ15JHTD8:action-service-johnzeng-nodejs jzeng$ gcloud auth application-default login

The environment variable [GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS] is set to:
Credentials will still be generated to the default location:
To use these credentials, unset this environment variable before
running your application.

Use above generated key (a json file) to access fileStore from app (GAE flexible):

"fireStore": {
"projectID": "johnzeng-nodejs",
"keyFile": "./credentials/key.json"

(above is from config/dev.json)

Google Cloud KMS

a cloud-hosted key management service that lets you manage cryptographic keys for your cloud services. You can generate, use, rotate, and destroy cryptographic keys. Cloud KMS is integrated with Cloud IAM and Cloud Audit Logging so that you can manage permissions on individual keys and monitor how these are used.

// create key-ring (think of this as grouping)
gcloud kms keyrings create [KEYRING_NAME] \
--location [LOCATION] \
--project live-project-id
// create the encryption key
gcloud kms keys create [KEY_NAME] \
--location [LOCATION] \
--keyring [KEYRING_NAME] \
--purpose encryption \
--project live-project-id

Create key in nodejs:

encrypt/decrypt secrets in nodejs:

Dealing with permission for the key:

Encrypt/Decrypt data with asymmetric key:

Asymmetric encryption uses the public key portion of the asymmetric key and decryption uses the private key portion of the key. Cloud KMS provides functionality to retrieve the public key and functionality to decrypt ciphertext that was encrypted with the public key. Cloud KMS does not allow direct access to the private key.

gcloud kms encrypt --location 'global' --keyring action-service-token --key as-jwt-encrypt-key --plaintext-file=./key.pem.clear --ciphertext-file=./encrypted_key.pem

More about Client libraries:


Need to enable KMS API first:

Then, you can create a key ring:

curl --request POST \
  '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{}' \

create a key:

curl --request POST \
  '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{"purpose":"ENCRYPT_DECRYPT"}' \


curl --request POST \
  '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{"ciphertext":"CiQAa0s+mU+dhVvgVSHMka2d2oj09aEL/x835LTELldFBmoSmakSMACzrBlgDT/1tK0gUP+GMWxHHOxNHzaPw4WoTLmiKBUvzAJLEIJKeB+QgYN0Q5l+/w=="}' \

Response from above (which is the base64 encoded “ABCDEFG”):

  "plaintext": "QUJDREVGRw=="

Get ACCESS_TOKEN for default project:

gcloud auth application-default print-access-token

SJCMACJ15JHTD8:~ jzeng$ gcloud auth print-access-token
SJCMACJ15JHTD8:~ jzeng$ gcloud auth application-default print-access-token

Granting permissions to use keys:

gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding \
  golden-egg --location global --keyring golden-goose \
  --member \
  --role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter


Client obtains OAuth 2.0 credentials such as a client ID.  Then gets access token.  Then use access token to call Google API.

Difference between “gcloud auth application-default login” and “gcloud auth login”

As a developer, I want to interact with GCP via gcloud.
gcloud auth login
This obtains your credentials and stores them in ~/.config/gcloud/. Now you can run gcloudcommands from your terminal and it will find your credentials automatically. Any code/SDK you want to use will not automatically pick up your creds in this case.
As a developer, I want my code to interact with GCP via SDK.
gcloud auth application-default login
This obtains you credentials and stores them in 'the well-known location for Application Default Credentials'. Now any code/SDK you run will be able to find the credentials automatically. This is a good stand-in when locally testing code which would normally use service account credentials (which normally would sit in a file on your server, not on your local computer).
This command is useful when you are developing code that would normally use a service account but need to run the code in a local development environment where it's easier to provide user credentials. 

Service account for App Engine

After you create an App Engine application, the App Engine default service account is created and used as the identity of the App Engine service. The App Engine default service account is associated with your GCP project and executes tasks on behalf of your apps running in App Engine.
By default, the App Engine default service account has the Editor role in the project. This means that any user account with sufficient permissions to deploy changes to the GCP project can also run code with read/write access to all resources within that project.
The App Engine flexible environment service account is a separate service account from the App Engine default service account. The App Engine flexible environment service account is not listed on the Service Accounts page of the GCP Console and has the following restrictions:
·       Do not modify the permissions of the App Engine flexible environment service account.
·       Avoid using the related App Engine Flexible Environment Service Agent role with any user account. You cannot rely on the role because it can change without notice.
The App Engine flexible environment service account is not listed on the Service Accounts page of the GCP Console. So, to verify that the App Engine flexible environment service account exists in your GCP project, you must view the Permissions page in the GCP Console:
1.     Open the GCP Console:
2.     In the Members list, locate the ID of the App Engine flexible environment service account.
The App Engine flexible environment service account uses the member ID:
3.     The App Engine flexible environment service account should have the App Engine Flexible Environment Service Agent role.

Creating and managing service account:

Create service account key:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/key.json
  --iam-account [SA-NAME]

Proposed permission for accessing KMS:

App engine default service account: “Cloud KMS CryptoKey Decrypter”

Samples for giving ‘decryption’ permission to service account (App Engine flexible environment service account):

(need to give permission to both keyring and the key)

SJCMACJ15JHTD8:~ jzeng$ gcloud kms keyrings add-iam-policy-binding action-service-token --location 'global' --member serviceAccount: --role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyDecrypter
Updated IAM policy for keyring [action-service-token].
- members:
  role: roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyDecrypter
etag: BwWGNPWT30U=

SJCMACJ15JHTD8:action-service jzeng$ gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding as-jwt-encrypt-key --keyring action-service-token --location 'global' --member --role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyDecrypter
Updated IAM policy for key [as-jwt-encrypt-key].
- members:
  role: roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyDecrypter
etag: BwWGRgFXpu4=

Samples for getting permission info about key ring:

SJCMACJ15JHTD8:action-service jzeng$ gcloud kms keyrings get-iam-policy action-service-token --location 'global'
- members:
  role: roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyDecrypter
etag: BwWGRdF99WY=

SJCMACJ15JHTD8:action-service jzeng$ gcloud kms keys get-iam-policy as-jwt-encrypt-key --keyring action-service-token --location 'global'
- members:
  role: roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyDecrypter
etag: BwWGRgFXpu4=

Enable Stackdriver debugger for nodejs:

Access the docker running your app under App Engine Flexible:

gcloud app --project [PROJECT-ID] instances enable-debug
visit GCP Console instance page for your project and choose SSH.
sudo docker exec -it [CONTAINER-NAME] /bin/bash

Appendix: Notes from Google Cloud training:



Google Cloud Console

gcloud init

cloud based source repository:

bitbucket or github

cloud diagnostic tool

computing service:

Google app engine (GAE):
container engine (GKE): docker
compute engine (GCE): virtual machine
cloud functions (serverless environment)

Access to GCE:

ssh from  console
ssh from   cloudshell
ssh via SDK

Load Balancing

Global External Load Balancing:
Global Forwarding
Target Proxy
backend service
Health check

SSL Load Balancer


Regional LB

Internal LB
            Internal LB
            External LB (Network LB)


Auto Scaling

Stackdriver Monitoring metrics


Kubernetes Master

Node pools
Multi-zone cluster
Cluster autoscaling and balancing

Internal Load Balancing


Kubernetes Cluster Federation

Role based access control

Demo for creating container cluster:
create docker image from local machine
create cluster using “gcloud container clusters {cluster_name} --num-nodes=3”
gcloude docker – push {docker_image}: push the local docker image to Google cloud container registry.
kubectl expose deployment
kubectl get service
kubectl get pods
kubectl scale deployment hello-web – replicas=3

Cloud Function (Lambda in AWS):

running on serverless environment.

Events & Trigger (i.e.. Firebase, etc.)


Access control of cloud function

Demo for Cloud Function:
Create function

GCP Storage & Database Service

Storage: GCS

Object is immutable

Server side encryption: default; use default key or customer offered key
Client side encryption:

transfer service: gsutil


Cloud SQL (my sql), Cloud Spanner, Cloud DataStore (mongo),  BigTable(HBase), Firebase, BigQuery, etc.