Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Search anything from a bugzilla bug given a range of bug numbers

[root@centos my-data-set]# for ((i=13420;i<13500;i++)); do echo $i >> /tmp/search_result.txt; curl$i | grep "passed to DE constructor may be null" >> /tmp/search_result.txt; done;

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A simple way to clone 10,000 files to cluster

# Generate 10,000 files from one seed and put them into 100 subdirectories

[hdfs@cdh1 tmp]$ for((i=1;i<=100;i++));do mkdir -p 10000files/F$i; for((j=1;j<=100;j++));do echo $i-$j; cp 1000line.csv 10000files/F$i/$i-$j.csv;done;done;

# Move them to cluster.  One sub-directory at one time.

[hdfs@cdh1 tmp]$ for((i=1;i<=100;i++));do echo $i; hadoop fs -mkdir /JohnZ/10000files/F$i; hadoop fs -copyFromLocal 10000files/F$i/* /JohnZ/10000files/F$i/.;done;