Monday, July 21, 2014

Assigning a static IP to a VMware Workstation VM

Assumption: the VM is running a DHCP client and is assigned a dynamic IP by the DHCP service running on the host. My host machine is runs on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with VMware Workstation 8.
Open C:\ProgramData\VMware\vmnetdhcp.conf as Administrator. This file follows the syntax of dhcpd.conf. Add the following lines (change host name, MAC, IP appropriately – these are shown in a different colour) under the correct section (for me it was for a NAT based network – VMnet8). The MAC can be found from the VM’s properties.
host ubuntu {
    hardware ethernet 00:0C:29:16:2A:D6;
Restart the VMware DHCP service. Use the following commands from an elevated prompt:
net stop vmnetdhcp
net start vmnetdhcp
On the VM, acquire a new lease using the below command (if VM runs Linux):

ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 up

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cloudera CDH5 source code download

Wednesday, July 2, 2014 issue when setting up HBase

Followed CDH4.2.2 installation guide to setup HBase.

Ran "service zookeeper-server start"

No error from command line.  But zookeeper.log says "nohup: failed to run command java’: No such file or directory".

Interesting!  Java home is right by doing "echo $JAVA_HOME".

After about one hour troubleshooting and script checking, it turned out: is needed under /etc/zookeeper/conf directory (as other Hadoop component).  But for somehow, zookeeper installer did not have such file by default.

I have to manually create such file and put following line into it:

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_45/

After that, starting zookeeper works.  I can see it from 'jps':

[root@centos conf]# jps
2732 TaskTracker
4964 Jps
4776 QuorumPeerMain
3133 NameNode
2548 JobTracker
2922 DataNode